Games: Missing quality controls - What, are we supposed to just deal with lag? Reviews from the future: "I can't play this game because it keeps freezing, but booooy does that cloud look nice! 10/10"
Games: Missing Menu/Reset/Edit: PAUSE buttons - I don't want to have to continue on if I mess up a perfect game. These are faster than reloading. Edit: Some people can't play 10 minute levels without scratching an itch or rubbing an eye. Include a pause button! Even in music games, you could probably rewind the song by a second and take out the notes that have already been judged!
Games: Offsync music games - It just doesn't feel right to hit notes a second after they're heard... can't go by the music. I'd probably do better with the game muted.
Games: Inaccurate hitboxes - "Oh, I have PLENTY of room to do thi- WHAT I WAS HALFWAY ACROSS THE SCREEN HOW DID THAT HIT ME"
Games: Lack of proper instructions - Don't you hate it when the author assumes you know you start the game by clicking the pixel on the inverse of x25 and y53 so you can get the umbrella you need to fly to the secret super-intelligent elephant hideout in Antarctica?
Songs: Presets - If the tools are available to you, why not go the extra mile and make the song the way it is in your head?
People: Fred haters - I can't go to a single submission anywhere on the internet without seeing JUNE 1ST UNSUBSCRIBE TO FRED I HATE FRED WHAAAAAAAAAAAA. Not everyone is going to like/hate something and I doubt losing subscribers is enough to upset the guy, assuming he cares about making videos at all.
People: Chain spammers - My second cousin's cat has not had explosive diarrhea due to me not pasting something onto 271 videos in 9 seconds.
People: DDR haters - You say DDR is the easiest game ever with, I force you to try THIS on a pad. That ending suuuure looks easy, doesn't it? Yeah, you idiots think these games have only 10 songs and half of them are "Barbie Girl" techno remixes. Meh. StepMania's better.
Just a small fraction of the hundreds of things that have been getting on my nerves.
I approve this post... specially the dragonforce one... SPOT ON, lol XD