Okay, anyone who sees this, spread the word. I'm seeing a lot of stolen music. Two in particular really bug me. -Vexeta- is Vertex Beta with different instruments. Just because a lot of people like it doesn't mean it's original. Concerto by andrew_parker is just Sanxion7's Concerto sped up. Sanxion7 posted Concerto on his SoundClick first, in his distinct style. All people who reply to this going "NU UH HE IS DA URRIJINAL ARTIST OLOLOLOLOL~" obviously haven't looked into these songs. Repost this and link back here if you feel the same way or think another song is stolen. A lot of so called "haters" are correct. Remember: Google is your friend. Brush your teeth, eat green vegetables, and get out of school as soon as you can.
EDIT: Okay, I think -Vexeta- uses presets, but it still bugs me because it doesn't deserve its popularity. People who say songs with presets are completely original make me sick... how is it original if they don't even think of their main synth line?!
EDIT 2: Apparently the Vex songs are actually remixes of Vertex ß... it should say so in the description then! Everyone thinks they're completely original. The original artist should be credited in more than just an old news post.